How to create change in your life? Everyone desires and expects life to change. Some look for others to do something to bring their change, others expect laws to change, or for situations or circumstances to bring a change. They wait for outside events or other people to cause change in their life. Waiting around for something or someone other than yourself to create change in you will likely end in disappointment. To create change in your life you must be personally involved.
The only way to make a change in your life is to change your thinking. You must determine in your mind to change. Change always starts in your mind. If you want to come out of an unpleasant lifestyle, you must change how you think first. When your mind is changed your thinking is changed and your life will be transformed. The thoughts dominate your mind will come to reality in your life. Your thoughts create the lifestyle you live.
When you experience a mindset change, you trade in darkness for light, negativity for positive living, oppression for relief, bondage for liberty. When you allow your mind to be renewed you choose to change your thinking. A renewed mind will cause you to view difficulties, oppositions, resistance from a different perspective. You will view these as opportunities to learn and grow. In Chinese the word for crisis has two characters. One signifies “danger” and the other represent “change point.” When one sees danger, pause to evaluate the situation. Identify the level of the threat and find What change is needed to continue.
How to Create Change in Your Life
Shift your thinking from expecting something or someone outside of you to create change your life to focusing on yourself to originate your change. You must evaluate yourself, how you think and what you think and decide to create change in your thinking to change your life. The thoughts that dominate your mind will create your lifestyle. The Bible says as a person thinks in the heart so is that person. This includes everyone. Whatever thoughts you receive will be saved in your subconscious mind and will create your personality, character and lifestyle. Positive thoughts will create positive personality, character and lifestyle. Negative thoughts will create negative personality, character and lifestyle.
When you focus on hostility, hatred, anger or other negativity they will dominate your mind and you will gravitate to likeminded people as they will be drawn to you. Your life and environment will be filled with negativity which will hinder achievement. To change your lifestyle, you must change your thinking and avoid negative associations. Do not depend on someone else or something outside of you to create change in you. An attitude shift in you begins new life for you. You are the one who must began changing you.
Believe You Can Create Change in your Life
The inability to change your thoughts has been repeated so many times it has entered your subconscious. You can control how long you think about anything. The repetition of a negative thought in your conscious mind will plant it in your subconscious mind. Do not expect overnight success. It takes to undo years of rooted in your behavior. Someone may say “this is just me; I can’t help it.” Someone said “if you think you cannot then you cannot. If you think you can then you can.” Your brain will find a way to do what you think. It may take time, but it will happen.
The mind is obedient to physical or spiritual desires. When the spirit is weak the unrenewed mind caters to physical appetites which develop negative thoughts and behavior. How to create change in your mind starts with strengthening your spirit. Search yourself, be truthful about who you are and commit to change your life. Return to your source, your creator and develop like mindedness with God. Study and search the Bible earnestly to discover positive character traits. Find God’s will for your life and pursue it. Decide to follow the things of God to feed your mind and avoid things opposing God.
Feed Your Mind Positive
Your mindset will not change when you feed it the same thing as always. To overcome negative influences in your life, change what you are feeding your mind. Negative thoughts have become strongholds in your subconscious and refuse to give up their place. The mindset creates and controls person you are and creates your lifestyle. You can control what goes into your mind and how long you think about any topic. The thoughts you dwell on continuously are rooted in your mind and create your mindset.
Years negative thinking may have become your default thoughts, but you can began feeding your conscious mind with positive and productive information to create value, build your integrity and strengthen your character. When you teach your mind positive productive ideas and thoughts, they are saved in your subconscious to replace unproductive ones. It will take some time for the new information to become your default thoughts, so be patient. Your present thinking was created by years of feeding your mind to create your present state. Become persistent, consistent, and patient for change to happen.
How to Create Change When You Speak
Speak what you believe and believe what you speak. Do not trust feelings. Feelings move from one extreme to the other and can be unreliable. The power of life and death is in what you speak by faith in faith. When you speak by faith you create the existence of it in your conscious mind and it is saved in your subconscious mind. Your mind will alert you to opportunities to fulfill what you spoke. You must decide to utilize the opportunity that presents itself. Principles to prosper and have good success in life are throughout the Bible. Follow that path revealed to you with confidence and you will discover amazing changes in you.
Don’t use what you see to be a gauge of your future. Develop your new mindset with morally right thoughts to determine what changes you make in life. Speak positively who you would like to become and what you would like to achieve. When Jesus completed 40 days of fasting and prayer, he was tempted by Satan. Jesus did not think about scriptures, he spoke scriptures by faith to overcome the temptations and challenges of the devil. Remember do not speak your feelings in times of challenges and oppositions but speak God’s word by faith to overcome traumatic situations and receive victory.
Resist the Negative and Receive the Positive.
When you hear positive thoughts receive them by repeating them. We learn by repetition. When we received knowledge in your conscious mind and repeat it, the sub conscious mind stores it. It seems we automatically repeat negative words we hear. It seems positive words do not automatically remain in our thoughts. We even seek out negative information. We read the newspaper or listen to the news but we’re not searching for positive stories. It is the negative that draws our attention.
Develop a new habit to seek the positive words and thoughts intentionally. There are five things you can practice daily to strengthen positive change in your life. They are discussed in another article at Divine Principles for Success. You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head, but you don’t have to let it build a nest in your hair. When bad thoughts come do not let them stay. Speak positive words to counter the negative thoughts and ideas. God’s word is the best way to defeat the negative. Remember the negative produces destruction but the positive constructs beneficial ideas for others and you.
How to create change in your life? Look at yourself and not others. Change negative to positive. realize it will not happen overnight. Each day you encounter change in your life celebrate the victory. Become positive at the earliest time possible. Discipline yourself to solidify change in your life. Focus on and commit to allow God’s change in you. Experience change and discover new ideas.
Expect the unexpected. Expecting something that has not happened in your life is hope. Hope is where the impossible becomes possible, miracles are born, and growth begins. Expect your miracle every day. I encourage you to make today the day you start expecting change in your life.
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I hope this is helpful and puts you on a path to change your life for better. Click here to start your journey to change your life.
Hello Othnyel,
This is an interesting topic and I am glad you are in this niche to help others to realize there are so many ways to take control of their lives and make changes for the better.
I have been in that spot and what you have shared rings true with me. Positivity breeds positivity. One must focus on these things to make the change internally and everything external will change with it.
When you said, You must determine in your mind to change. Change starts in your mind. If you want to come out of an unpleasant lifestyle, you must change how you think first. When your mind is changed, your life will be transformed, you hit the nail on the head!
Make it up in your mind, make a plan, and then you must do what you are thinking!
Good luck to you and all who read this post!
Hey Chad, Groomy Dude.
I appreciate your encouraging comment. The words we speak come from our minds and turn to action to form behavior. But change is not easy and certainly does not happen quick. Patience, endurance and discipline are some of the key factor to realize change in life.
Thanks Chad. The best to you.
Hey there,
I love this article, it reminds me so much of my favourite book “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Having a positive mindset and if you truly believe you will achieve absolutely anything. It all starts in your mind and if you want a positive outcome then you have to start thinking positively. Celebrating your victories and having gratitude is also key to achieving your positive outcome.
I know a lot of people that will really benefit from this article and i will surely direct them here. Thank you
Hey Lawrence,
Thanks for reading and commenting on my article. I am glad you enjoyed reading it. Napoleon Hill presents some powerful concepts. Being thankful, grateful is something we are taught as children. many seem to lose our gratitude as we grow to adulthood.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Expect the unforeseen. Expecting something that has not occurred in your life is trust. The expectation is the place where the unimaginable gets potential, wonders are conceived, and development starts. There is a tune that has these words “expect a marvel each day.” I urge you to make today the day you begin expecting your supernatural occurrence called my changed life.
Hey Herman thanks for reading and commenting on my article. keep hope alive, it gives something to reach for in the future.
I am so glad I came across your article. I have been meaning to change the way I think lately, but I don’t want to lie, it’s very challenging. I always speak my feelings when I get angry and only remember what the Bible says after the drama. I have been trying to see life differently and I have noticed that I am where I am today mostly because of my mind. I have let so many negative things into my mind and I have surrounded myself with the wrong people.
I always always ask myself this one question “where would I be if I hadn’t met some of the people who are full of negativity”. They are people who always look for negative things, let’s say you do a project and get 95% right, there are people who are only there to see the 5% you got wrong. They won’t even notice the 95% because their minds are programmed to always see negative things. And if you spend too much time with them you will end up thinking and talking like them. Thank you, I learned a lot
Hey Mimie,
Thanks for your comment. I understand your challenges. Glad to be of help to you. Change is never easy. Even at age 12 there are years of becoming that person. Change introduces something different and new. We normally resist new and different.
There are some things you can do with negative comments. You can receive them as feedback to learn from and grow to better. Remember whoever can make you feel different, negative about yourself has a degree of control over you. Another thing you can do is choose your associations carefully. There are toxic people who smile and appear friendly but are not as friendly as they appear.
Know who you are and stay focused on who you are no matter what happens around. negativity comes to distract and hinder your progress, but you can use it to strengthen your focus and help you grow stronger in your resolve.
Stay Focused, Grow in Grace.
Changing your thoughts is very difficult. It’s definitely a process. We first have to accept where we are and allow ourselves to feel whatever is coming up emotionally without judgment but with awareness. If we can remain aware while we are having negative feelings and thoughts we can observe them without being dragged down by them. It’s not a good idea to ignore them or they will become more persistent. So I listen first like a parent. Then I’m able to question the belief, story, or false idea I have. Then I can see the truth. That’s the change in perspective you’re talking about. I’m glad others are becoming more aware of the power of their own perception and how it affects your reality and changes your course. Thank you for spreading the word.
Hey Nicole,
Enjoyed reading your comment. Knowing where we are and being honest with ourselves will help see the path out. Multiple story building have an emergency plan that includes a map in various places on a given floor that has a red dot with the comments “you are here.” Knowing where the emergency exit is does not help unless you know where you are. I like the parental ear used to begin the process. usually parents listen searching for truth. Self evaluation is greatly improved with truth and honesty.
Hi. Thanks for this article. It was a pleasure reading it!
I love posiitive affirmations in my daily life. I am always trying to stay positive and keep my smile, however sometimes it is too difficult. After finding your article, I was filled with hope.
Expect the unexpected. This is something I will keep in order to get through the hard times when they come again!
Best regards,
Hey Dominique,
thanks for reading my article and commenting. i believe the purpose in communication is to share helpful information. I am glad you found something you can use. It seems positive feeling, thoughts, words, and actions are more difficult to receive and maintain than negative. We must be persistent to overcome negativity. Never stop striving to overcome negativity.
This is great information. I have some changes that I have to immediately make in my life due to a few things that happened within my family. I tried to get started on this before I needed to, but just didn’t not make the changes I needed to. It has to do with my financial situation, and I’ve got to buckle down and change the way I spend. This is a hard habit to due, but I am looking at a huge decrease in income. So, biggest thing for me is to believe what I speak. To say it out loud what I need to do. Thanks for the nudge.
hey Leahrae,
Thanks for reading my article. I am happy to have nudged you on in your willingness to change. it is not an easy task by any means. Believing the possibility of change puts you on the path to change. Speaking change into your atmosphere integrates it in your life. Our negative habits took years to form and become rooted in us, it will take time to uproot them. Be patient and be persistent, change will come.