Many Christians are concerned with success and maintaining a right relationship with God. Some Christians believe a successful or wealthy person cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Your attitude towards God is one of the determining factors of your entering the Kingdom of God.
Reading and studying the Bible will bring the clarity needed to know God desires you to prosper and succeed. Consider biblical patriarchs such as Abraham, Joseph, David, and others who overcame difficult challenges to achieve goals according to God’s will.
Biblical Examples of Success
There are many successful Christians in various roles today. The mature Christian character will open doors of opportunity for you to excel in ministry, business, career, and employment. The Bible gives several patriarchs who were successful and wealthy. Abraham and Lot could not live in the same area because both had wealth. Yet Abraham was chosen to be the father of God’s chosen people, Israel.
Also, Joseph was cast into a pit by his brothers and sold to a traveling caravan. He was sold in Egypt, falsely accused, and put in prison. Yet he became the second in charge of Egypt because God was with him
Moreover, David the shepherd boy defeated the giant Goliath and was elevated to become king of Israel. These are a few of the patriarchs who accomplished great tasks serving God. This opportunity is available for you as well. Trusting God does not chain you to a mediocre lifestyle.
When you grow in grace and experience faith in God, you learn to trust God to strengthen and enable you to reach your full potential in His will and purpose. God’s desire and design is for you to prosper and have success. Whenever you persevere to achieve God’s purpose and do His will, He will help you. God will guide you on the path to living your most successful life.
Understanding Biblical Success
First, it is important that you understand clearly the biblical definition of success. The Bible defines success begins with you knowing God’s word and to be reconciled with Him. But it does not end with intellectual and spiritual development. You must be aligned with God. Submitting every part of your life is important to aligning with God.
Through your close relationship with God, you are able to determine His will for your life.
Discovering the ability or abilities God has given you and developing your abilities is part of biblical success.
Success is achieving the goals you have set. Christian success starts in the spiritual realm and goes into every aspect of your life. Restored spiritual life gives you the fortitude to accomplish goals that fulfill the purpose and the will of God.
Remember, God’s desire is for you to prosper and have success Working with a godly character on jobs, careers, and businesses put Christians in a good position to succeed. This pleases God.
Biblical success begins with spiritual renewal and development and extends into all areas of your life. Education, workplace, career, and business are all affected by your character and spiritual development.
Source of Success from the Bible
Our culture is obsessed with success. There are many books written about the subject of success. Success begins within and shows up in your actions. The definition of success varies. For all practical purposes let’s define success.
Success – the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. 2. The good or bad outcome of an undertaking. Miriam Webster defines success as a favorable or desired outcome. It can also be the attainment of wealth, favor, or imminence. Achieving a purpose or goal attracts success and wealth.
The story of Joseph in Genesis 39:1-4 informs us God is the source of success. Whether it is in school, in the workplace, in your career, or in business. God’s will for humanity is to reach its full potential.
God’s work requires human effort. Joseph shows us that success is more than the right principles and mindset but being in harmony with God. Genesis 39:2 states, the Lord was with Joseph. He became a successful man.
Genesis 39:3 reveals the ultimate reason for Joseph’s success the Lord made all that Joseph did to prosper in his hands. The word prosper in this verse is the same word successful in verse two.
A successful person is defined as someone who sets and achieves goals. Some people may define success as being happy and fulfilled, while others may define it as having status and accomplishments. Often when talking about success, all of these elements are relevant. Above all, seek God’s and his righteousness and all resources will come to you. Including money.
A Successful Person by Biblical Standards
Personal success starts with having the knowledge and wisdom to make good decisions and increase your confidence and esteem. You integrate these to find and implement growth opportunities. Also, set goals and remember to balance life and work.
A successful person experiences joy and peace. Success is setting the core values needed to have the character and mindfulness to build wealth and influence. Your ability to manage the resources gained by discipline and good work habits will determine your degree of success.
Additionally, keep the charge of the Lord your God to ensure success. Walk in his ways to keep his statutes. Learn his commandments and his judgments. Witness his testimonies as it is written in the law of Moses. Therefore, you may prosper in all you do and wherever you turn.
Some Success Scriptures from the Bible
As you understand these scriptures, you can apply them to your life and do God’s will to succeed. Here is a short list of Bible verses
Joshua 1:7-8 – Be strong and courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; Do not turn from it to the right or the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. v8. Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; Meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful with him being you will be prosperous.
Deuteronomy 8:18a – But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce and confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.
Psalms 37:3-4 – Trust in the Lord and do good theory then you will live safely in the land and prosper. v4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desire.
Proverbs 16:3 – Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established (KJV). A clearer understanding from the New Living Translation Bible reads: Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed.
Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (NIV). This verse is to encourage you that God has your best in His mind. When things seem at their worst, God is unwavering in His intention to give His best concerning you.
Conclusion of Success Scriptures from the Bible
The blessings of the Lord are sure and recognizable by others. But many Christians are satisfied with incremental blessings. They are satisfied with the crumbs that fall from the table. When a seat at the table allows the whole loaf of bread.
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Success is a blessing of God given to the diligent. Therefore, it is important to read and study your Bible. Selecting a Bible in today’s language is a great benefit to you. Using other Bible aids like a commentary and Bible dictionary helps as well. Only listening to others about the contents of the Bible will hinder your Bible knowledge. Also, to find answers it is equally important to take notes and write down questions.
Furthermore, you must learn to develop your abilities, design your own life, and work on your plan to reach God’s high call for you in Christ Jesus. This starts with renewing your mind and changing how you see your old lifestyle and adopting your new life in Jesus Christ. You are a new creation in Christ.
God gives you the ability to build wealth. Therefore, building wealth is in God’s plan and will for His people. He has given us the power to create and build wealth in this lifetime. You are responsible for properly managing the resources and provisions God gives you. Avoid depending on or glorifying in wealth, being greedy selfish, or proud. Trust and glorify God with all you attain in His will and purpose for your life.
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